
Core Access is a room in Metroid Prime 3: Corruption which is a relatively narrow passageway to the Bryyo Leviathan Core. In it, Samus encounters three Missile Blockers obstructing the way, each of which she must shoot the exposed center of with either Charge Beam shots or Ice Missiles in order to progress. Various parts of the Core Access are made up of an almost completely transparent material (assumingly consisting of Phazon of some sort), allowing view of the inaccessible area immediately outside of the room. In some ways, this room resembles Crater Tunnels A and B in the Impact Crater.

Connecting rooms[]



Missile Blocker
"The exposed center within this organic mass appears to be its only vulnerable point."

Development notes[]

The room's internal name is 0a_seed_bryyo. The keyword seed indicates the Leviathan Seeds, and the prefix 0a indicates that this is the first of 3 junction rooms throughout all Leviathan Seeds in the game.
