Experiment 7526

Experiment 7526 was an unsuccessful attempt at converting a Space Pirate into an Elite Pirate. Its remains can be seen inside a tall, indestructible Xenome Containment Unit in the Research Lab Aether room of the Phendrana Drifts, in Metroid Prime.

Interestingly, it resembles a Zebesian moreso than any other Pirate on Tallon IV.


"This tank holds the remains of experiment 7526. Conversion of Elite Pirate unsuccessful."


Metroid banner 2

Possible early concept art?

  • E3 2001 concept art of Prime depicted a creature that shared superficial similarities with several other creatures, such as the coloration and head of the Parasite Queen, the asymmetry and tentacles of the two forms of Metroid Prime, and a claw like that of a Zebesian (also only depicted in concept art [1]). This creature highly resembles experiment 7526, suggesting the deceased creature in the final game represents this otherwise unused concept art.

