
Biostorage Station is a room in the Agon Wastes, appearing within Metroid Prime 2: Echoes.


A small open-roof cave-like research room situated within the Space Pirate mining facility. It is where Tallon Metroids are bred, and on later visits they escape. The room has two floors, connected by an elevator. There is a small containment facility on the top floor where three Metroids are kept, and feed on a Space Pirate corpse (although the Pirate may not be dead, as scans state that it is routinely drained of its energy, not completely dead), these are the only ones that do not escape. On later visits, Infant Tallon Metroids populate the room, and several Metroid Cocoons hang from the ceiling.

The Dark Aether version of this room was the Feeding Pit.

Connecting rooms[]


Pirate Troopers (First visit)
"Morphology: Pirate Trooper
Starfaring brigand.
Aggressive, well-armed bioform trained for combat and conquest. Sworn enemy of Samus Aran."
2 Pirate Aerotroopers (After triggering Pirate battle, before defeating Dark Samus 1
"Morphology: Pirate Aerotrooper
Airborne assault trooper.
Fast-moving and extremely well-armed. Jet packs can be overloaded with thermal damage."
5 Tallon Metroids (Second visit)
"Morphology: Tallon Metroid
Energy-craving parasite.
Taken from planet Tallon IV. Target leeches bioenergy from its victims.
Stunned by concussive blasts, vulnerable to dark energy."
Infant Tallon Metroids (later visits)
"Morphology: Infant Tallon Metroid.
Genetically engineered energy parasite.
Ramming attack will do minor damage. Exposure to Phazon will mutate them into a deadly version."


"Shrike" Class Assault Skiff (First visits)
"Vehicle: "Shrike" Class Assault Skiff
Light attack craft and troop transport.
Vehicle is unarmed, but heavily armored. Eliminate troops if possible before they disperse."
Space Pirate Crate
"Object scan complete.
This is a Space Pirate Crate.
Space Pirates, strangely, dislike theft. The only way into their crates is through the use of force."
Metroid in container
"Bioscan complete.
Containment field is keeping Metroid subject in a constant state of agitation. It is unable to enter sleep cycles."
Interface unit
"Elevator systems online.
Step into the elevator to begin operation."
Elevator hologram
"Elevator platform active."
Metroid 1
"Bioscan complete.
Metroid subject has several blast wounds from Space Pirate weaponry on low-power settings. They wanted it alive after they were finished with it."
Metroid 2
"Bioscan complete.
Metroid subject is suffering from food poisoning. It has ingested several pet treats and Space Pirate rations. These do not agree with its digestive system."
Metroid 3
"Bioscan complete.
Metroid subject has been energy-drained repeatedly over the last 3 cycles.
Subject's cellular structure has become unstable as a result."
Metroid 4
"Bioscan complete.
Metroid subject is heavily scarred. Wounds appear to be from repeated contact with its containment field, most likely received while attempting to escape."
Space Pirate
"Bioscan complete.
Evidence of symbiotic bonding present in subject's system. Subject is barely alive, and is periodically leeched of its bioenergy by Metroids."
Space Pirate Logs (The Hunter)
"Log 06.362.2
Samus Aran, the accursed Hunter, has arrived.
The sudden arrival of the Hunter is stange enough, but her actions are stranger still. She does not seek our destruction, but our Phazon. With each raid, she steals Phazon ore, only killing those who attempt to deny her. What she needs it for we do not know - though Science Team suspects she requires it to power her new armorsuit. Dark in color, it is equipped with strange new weapons. The troops now call her the "Dark Hunter." It is a fitting title."
"Metroid Handling Protocols, 07.202.02
Metroids are not pets. Metroids are not for target practice. Finally, unauthorized feeding of Metroids is still strictly prohibited."
"Element: Phazon
Volatile ore with biomutagenic properties.
Origin point of Phazon unknown. First detection of element on planet Tallon IV. Used by Space Pirates to produce vast levels of energy."
Metroid Cocoon (on later visits)
"Morphology: Metroid Cocoon Storage chamber for young Tallon Metroids.
Biomass to support Tallon Metroid infants. Lacks armor or shielding."

Development Data[]

This room's internal name is 08_sand_casualpirates. It likely references the small Pirate activity situated within this room.

This room is explorable using extensive hacking of the Metroid Prime 2: Echoes Bonus Disc, likely being a leftover from a demo build seen during an E3 demonstration of the game. In this room, it is possible to encounter both Pirate Troopers and free-roaming Tallon Metroids at the same time. During this encounter, it is revealed that the behaviors of this simultaneous encounter between the two enemies were carried over directly from their respective AI from Metroid Prime's own Tallon Metroids and Space Pirates respectively. This type of encounter is not seen in the final game normally but does still exist and can be viewed when Sequence Breaking is performed (see below).

Via modding the disc, it is also possible to load an unused sensor in this room, which may have been a prototype Pirate Alarm System. Although this moving flashing sensor appears nowhere in the final game, it may have been repurposed in the game's sequel: Metroid Prime 3: Corruption.

Game Crash[]

This room contains a rather unusual game crash. To activate it, Samus must avoid this room completely and kill Dark Samus 1 via Sequence Breaking. If this room is then entered for the first time after Dark Samus is defeated, once the Tallon Metroid breakout begins, the Tallon Metroids will almost immediately ignore her and hover towards the area with the scannable computers, unleashing their signature energy-siphoning lunge at said area. Within seconds after execution the game will crash.

Tallon Metroid Energy Drain (Echoes)

Further testing reveals that there are two ways to prevent the game from crashing. The first method is to immediately rush through the Tallon Metroids and jump down to the main part of the room. The second method is to kill the Tallon Metroids on the second floor immediately after they escape with either Super Missiles or Power Bombs. The reason these methods work is because the spot where the Tallon Metroids fly towards is the spawning area for the triggered Pirate Troopers, and killing the Tallon Metroids allows the Troopers to spawn as normal. Jumping down to the first floor also works, because it spawns in the Pirate Troopers normally without the Tallon Metroids interfering. The game crash occurs because two of the Pirates on the top floor aren't fully loaded into the room yet, and can't properly react to the energy-siphon attack of the Tallon Metroids.

Other oddities occur if the game doesn't crash such as the Assault Skiff not taking off, and if the Assault Skiff is destroyed the Tallon Metroids will latch onto the space where the bodies of Pirate Troopers killed in the explosion were flung, even after the Troopers have disappeared. This crash can still occur with the Tallon Metroids spawned from Infant Tallon Metroids (it is unknown if Infant Tallon Metroids can cause this crash as well, but most likely not given they have no energy-siphon attack).


  • The elevator can be skipped entirely if Samus Space Jumps above using the ground floor's crates in the small corner.

