
These are the items found in Brinstar, throughout its various appearances.


Major Items[]

Morph Ball[]

The Morph Ball is located to the left of Samus's start location. it is behind a large obstacle that can be jumped over.

Long Beam[]

The Long Beam is in the hands of a Chozo Statue behind a Red Hatch. The room containing the Beam is connected to a long hallway that connects to the first large vertical shaft of Brinstar. The hallway is through the middle door on the left of the shaft. 5 Missiles must be used on the door at the end of the hallway.


For Samus to get to the Bombs, she must head through the middle door on the right in the center large vertical shaft of Brinstar. She must keep heading right through Corridor No. 4 until she gets to the last of the three large vertical shafts. Samus must head up the shaft until she reaches the next door. Through the door is a hallway full of enemies leading to a Red Hatch. Through the door is a statue holding the bombs.

Ice Beam[]

From the shaft leading to the Bombs, Samus must proceed through Corridor No. 4, and she will eventually come to a small room bridging the gap between this corridor and another. Bombing through the floor will send Samus through a pool of fake acid, and cause her to plunge down a small shaft. Through a door and another hallway will she find the Ice Beam.

Varia Suit[]

From the top of the gold-colored shaft in Brinstar, Samus will find herself in Corridor No. 3. After finding a blocked-up wall in this room and shooting/bombing through it, Samus will eventually reach what appears to be a small hall of no importance. Shooting upward, however, will reveal a hole in the ceiling for Samus to jump through, and then up to a Blue Door, which will lead to the Varia Suit after a Red Hatch.

Energy Tanks[]

Energy Tank 1[]

The first Energy Tank is in Corridor No. 4, the lower of the two hallways that lead to Brinstar's easternmost vertical shaft. It is on a pedestal floating above some Acid.

Energy Tank 2[]

After finding the Varia Suit, Samus must return to Corridor No. 3 and head right to find a corridor that leads to a dead-end. Shooting the corner of the ceiling reveals an opening. This leads to a small room, where the Energy Tank is in a small opening in the wall. Bombs must be used to reach it.

Energy Tank 3[]

Returning to the third room explored in Brinstar (containing Skrees and a large rocky overhang), Samus must freeze a Rio and then shoot a part of the ceiling close to the overhang. The Tank is in here.

Missile Tanks[]

Missile Tank 1[]

The first Missile Tank is in Corridor No. 5, leading to the elevator to Norfair. It is on a pillar floating above Acid.

Missile Tank 2[]

The second Missile Tank is located in Corridor No. 3, accessed through the right door in the room leading to the Varia Suit.

Metroid: Zero Mission[]

Major Items[]

Morph Ball[]

The Morph Ball is located to the left of Samus's starting location in Corridor No. 1. It is behind a large obstacle that can be jumped over.

Long Beam[]

The Long Beam is found on the left side of Brinstar. A hallway with a Morph Ball tunnel is through the middle door on the left of the first large vertical shaft of Brinstar. At the end of the hallway is a door leading to a room containing a Chozo Statue holding the Long Beam.

Charge Beam[]

The Charge Beam is obtained by defeating the Charge Beam Beast. The Charge Beam Beast can be first fought after returning from obtaining the first Missile Tank in Corridor No. 5. However, if it isn't defeated in time, it will move to another location in Brinstar. It will move to Corridor No. 4, where it can be fought again. If it isn't defeated there, it will return to its Corridor No. 5, alternating between the two locations until it is finally defeated.


The Bombs are found in exactly the same place as the original Metroid, in a room on the right side of the map. Missiles are still required to destroy the Red Hatch.

Varia Suit[]

Found in exactly the same place as in the original Metroid. However, there are multiple ways of accessing it. It is normally collected by using the High Jump, Ice Beam, and Power Grip to get to the room. However, using the Turbo Bomb technique, only Bombs are required.

Energy Tanks[]

Energy Tank 1[]

In the section of Corridor No. 4 past the Mellow Nests, the first Energy Tank is on a pedestal above some acid.

Energy Tank 2[]

The second Energy Tank is located in the ceiling to the left of the first Chozo Statue in the "overhang corridor". It can be reached with High Jump, or alternatively, with Turbo Bombing.

Energy Tank 3[]

The final Brinstar Energy Tank is hidden in the acid pool in the room adjacent to the Varia Suit's chamber. The Varia Suit, which protects the Power Suit against acid wear is required to safely obtain the item. Bombing the floor in the pool will open up a narrow tunnel leading to the Tank.

Missile Tanks[]

Missile Tank 1[]

The first Missile Tank is in Corridor No. 5. To get there, Samus must either collect the Long Beam to destroy the blocks blocking the Morph Ball tunnel that leads to the door leading to the middle of the large vertical shafts of Brinstar or destroy the Fake Blocks above the door, skipping the Long Beam. Either way, Samus must head through the door at the bottom of the second shaft. The tank is on a pillar floating above acid.

Missile Tank 2[]

In the room of Corridor No. 4 with the numerous Mellow hives, the tank is hidden in an alcove behind a hive. Destroying it gives access to the tank.

Missile Tank 3[]

The tank is hidden within the base of the first destructible wall in the room to the right of Missile Tank 2 within Corridor No. 4.

Missile Tank 4[]

In the same room that contains the Bombs, a narrow tunnel exists under the Chozo Statue. This leads to a small maze consisting partly of Bomb Blocks, which must be destroyed to reach the Tank.

Missile Tank 5[]

After Samus retrieves the Bombs, she will need to return to the blue-tinted shaft. She will find a small outcropping near a flying Ripper, and bombing through this will lead to a tunnel that eventually brings her to the Tank. The Power Grip may be needed to access the tunnel without Wall Jumping or Turbo Bombing.

Missile Tank 6[]

At the base of the shaft leading to Kraid's Lair, Samus will find a Morph Ball launcher hidden in the wall. Laying a Bomb will open up the floor so that she can reach it. She must use the launcher to blast up to a hidden area in the ceiling containing the Tank.

Missile Tank 7[]

Samus must ascend to the top of the gold-colored shaft. When she sees the opening on the top left, she must freeze Rippers to use as temporary steps to reach it. Alternatively, Samus can Wall Jump if she has the Power Grip, or Turbo Bomb to reach the opening. Through this is the Missile Tank.

Missile Tank 8[]

The tank is in a room connecting the two left shafts. The tank can be accessed by entering a hidden opening in the right wall of the left shaft with the Morph Ball and then Bombing the floor to get to the tank. It can also be accessed by Ballsparking into the room from the right.

Missile Tank 9[]

After retrieving the Varia Suit, further exploration of Corridor No. 3 will lead to the Tank in plain view atop a pillar. Alternatively, Samus can obtain the item before getting the Varia Suit if she enters the area from the opposite direction using the Turbo Bomb technique.

Missile Tank 10[]

Proceeding from the Mellow Nest room in Corridor No. 4, Samus will come across a small chamber with a shaft under it. The Tank is hidden in an alcove on the right, blocked by a Bomb Block.

Super Missile Tank[]

Obtaining this item is a slightly difficult process. From Corridor No. 5, Samus must run and then charge a Shinespark, return to Corridor No. 5 and then Ballspark through the door, taking her through part of the cave wall. She must keep her Shinespark energy and roll through the chamber she lands in, Spring Jumping onto a platform outside and then Ballsparking again into the same chamber as Missile Tank 5. She will destroy Boost Blocks guarding the Super Missile Tank.

Super Metroid[]

Major Items[]

Morph Ball[]

The Morph Ball is located to the left of the elevator Samus uses to first enter the area. It is in the same location as it was in Samus' previous adventure on Zebes.

Charge Beam[]

The Charge Beam is in the large pink room before Spore Spawn. In the very bottom-left corner, Samus must bomb through the floor and descend, where she will find a Chozo Statue holding the Beam.

Spazer Beam[]

From the glass bridge leading to Maridia, Samus will find herself in a corridor with a fragile block in the ceiling above. Samus has to destroy the block and either jump (or Wall Jump if she doesn't have the High Jump Boots) up to the top. Climbing through a narrow tunnel, she will find a Green Hatch. In the room beyond is the Spazer.

X-Ray Scope[]

Halfway up the "Red Tower", Samus will find a Yellow Hatch. Through here she will have to navigate a dark, spike-filled corridor illuminated by Firefleas, and eventually the Grappling Beam will be needed to evade the spikes. Emerging from this room on the other side, Samus will need to use a Bomb to raise a shutter that will take her into a small tunnel through which she will find the X-Ray Scope.

Energy Tanks[]

Energy Tank 1[]

At the very bottom of the main shaft in Brinstar, a Power Bomb will reveal more through the floor. Descending to the bottom of the shaft, Samus will find a door. Once she reaches a corridor lined with silver bricks, she will find the Energy Tank. She must keep in mind the invisible hole in the ground that will send her falling into a subterranean chamber (which could be game-ending if the player is not skilled with the Wall Jump) and leap over it.

Energy Tank 2[]

The Tank is in exactly the same location and is obtained in exactly the same way in the "overhang corridor" as in the original Metroid. It is most easily acquired using the High Jump Boots, but can also be acquired using a very precise Bomb Jump, using the Ice Beam to freeze the Rio in midair, or by damage boosting off of a Geemer on the ceiling.

Energy Tank 3[]

Through the Yellow Hatch in the pink shaft, Samus must ascend to the top of the room via the Wall Jump or swinging around on a Grappling Beam block. At the top, she needs the Wave Beam to open a shutter and give access to the Tank in another room.

Energy Tank 4[]

In the "pink shaft", there is a tunnel that can be revealed with a Power Bomb. The tunnel extends to a long corridor partially filled with water. Samus must run through the water with her Speed Booster to crash through Boost Blocks guarding the Tank. This can be acquired early using a Quick Charge Shinespark on the platform above the Boost Blocks.

Reserve Tank[]

Through the first door on the right in the main elevator shaft, Samus will need the Speed Booster to run through several Shutters. Beyond is a small chamber with the Reserve Tank. Alternatively, the Early Super Missiles trick will help Samus obtain the Tanks early.

Missile Tanks[]

Missile Tank 1[]

The first Missile Tank is found in the hands of a Chozo Statue. To the right of Corridor No. 1 is a room with several Fake Blocks in the center impeding downward progress. At the bottom of the room is a door behind a small Morph Ball tunnel. Through the door is the tank.

Missile Tank 2[]

At the top of the shaft that formerly lead to Kraid's Lair is a Red Hatch on a door to the right. That takes Samus to a hallway leading to a Morph Ball tunnel. Behind the tunnel is the tank.

Missile Tank 3[]

In the corridor on the right of the elevator shaft, Samus must Bomb through the bottom of the green pillar in front of her to access this Tank.

Missile Tank 4[]

Samus must find the ceiling lined with Grappling blocks and grapple across to this Tank. The Wall Jump can also be used.

Missile Tank 5[]

In plain view on the bottom left of the same room.

Missile Tank 6[]

In the large sloped cavern leading to the "red soil" area (before the "n00b bridge"), Samus will come across an Air Hole from which no enemies spawn. Using the Hi-Jump or Wall Jump, Samus must crawl into the Air Hole and find the Tank in a small alcove.

Missile Tank 7[]

In the same room as the Reserve Tank, Samus must roll through a Morph Ball tunnel under the Chozo Statue to find this Tank in plain view.

Missile Tank 8[]

Destroying the wall behind the previous Tank will yield yet another.

Missile Tanks 9 and 10[]

In the same room as the second Tank, Samus must Power Bomb to destroy the rocky overhang. She must then Shinespark through a Bomb Block up to the overhang and locate an invisible bridge in the next room (falling Boulders may harm her). The ninth Missile Tank is in plain sight on a pedestal, but the tenth is hidden in the pedestal's base, which must be shot or bombed. A well timed jump onto the invisible bridge will render the Gravity Suit and X-Ray Scope, and Samus can also Bomb Jump through where she normally Shinesparks.

Missile Tank 11[]

In the same room as the first Power Bomb Tank in Brinstar, a Power Bomb must be used to destroy the wall behind where the Bomb Tank was, and reveal the Missile Tank.

Super Missile Tanks[]

Super Missile Tank 1[]

Following the defeat of Spore Spawn, Samus can climb its room to find a door leading to a long shaft, at the bottom of which is a Chozo Statue holding the Super Missiles.

Super Missile Tank 2[]

In the first room on the right from the elevator shaft, Samus must run through several Shutters with the Speed Booster. Alternately, Early Super Missiles allows her to obtain the upgrade and completely skip Spore Spawn.

Super Missile Tank 3[]

Samus must proceed to the same room with the second Energy Tank, and after obtaining it, open the Green Hatch behind the Tank. This guards a chamber with Brinstar's final Super Missile Tank.

Power Bomb Tanks[]

Power Bomb Tank 1[]

In the second tall "red soil" shaft, Samus must shoot open the floor at the base to expose a hidden passage. To obtain the Tank, she needs to head through the Door at the very bottom and avoid the Samus Eaters and Boyons in the next room.

Power Bomb Tank 2[]

At the top of the aforementioned shaft is a door on the left wall below the elevator to Crateria. Through it is a corridor containing a bridge consisting of Power Bomb Blocks. They must be destroyed, and Samus must fall through the Samus Eater on the far left, into a hidden pit containing the Tank. She will need to kill a number of Sidehoppers before she can leave.

Power Bomb Tank 3[]

The most simplistic way to get this Tank is to use a Power Bomb in the area where the Morph Ball is obtained; shredding the wall and giving easy access to this Tank.

Power Bomb Tank 4[]

Samus must Wall Jump up the Etecoons' shaft, and she will find a Morph Ball tunnel in the wall, leading to this Tank.

Power Bomb Tank 5[]

In the large pink room, Samus must use Grappling Beam blocks to reach one of the Missile Tanks. She will then have to jump through part of the wall and use a Super Missile on part of the floor in the next room, so she may fall into the Tank's chamber. To escape, Samus must use a Power Bomb to cause a Shutter to retract, and then use a Bomb on the floor in front of the ledge with the Door to raise another Shutter.

See also[]
