
Use GC R trigger to cling to Spider Ball surfaces.

—Special intro text

Spider Complex is a multiplayer stage within Metroid Prime 2: Echoes's multiplayer mode. It is one of four default arenas available from the start.


The stage scenery is based on the Phazon Mines from Metroid Prime. This stage's main theme involves heavy use of the Spider Ball to explore, hence the stage's name. Further adding to the theme is the room's most notable feature: a large Magnetic sphere similar to those found within the Sanctuary Fortress. Phazon can be seen underneath the stage, gated off from contact. One of the outer areas contains large windows shielded by force fields, where Samus can see the outside of the Spider Complex.

The stage is composed of a main room with two to three levels of elevation. The ground floor and the second floor outer sections is made up of a ring shaped passageway that travels all around the main room with certain large openings leading to the center room. One Kinetic Orb Cannon is located plainly inside a small room on the outer hall and is an easy way to eliminate a player who is trekking through the outer area of the stage. A small catwalk houses a Pickup Crate while behind its nearby wall is a small hall containing a Randomizer. This catwalk houses a Kinetic Orb Cannon underneath and two Spider Ball Tracks off to the neighboring wall's sides for easy travel between the first and second floor elevations. The cannon can also be cleverly used to eliminate a player in the center of the catwalk obtaining an item (the launching player can destroy the crate but will be unable to obtain the item). A third higher elevation exists far out of walking distance. To climb to the top, a player must utilize the large Magnetic Sphere in the center of the stage by using one of two opposing Kinetic Orb Cannons on the ground floor, which will launch directly at a respective side of the sphere, then upon impact, Samus must activate the Spider Ball to attach themselves to the sphere, allowing travel around the sphere. Within the top of the sphere houses another Randomizer as well as the highest point of the stage. Three alcoves rest across from the upper catwalk and can be reached either by jumping below from the top of the sphere, or by using the Boost Ball on one of the Magnetic sphere's distinct large circular patterns. Energy Capsules can be found on both the Spider Ball Sphere and adjacent alcoves, while a Massive Damage can also be found around the former and a Super Missile power-up found within the latter.


  • Massive Damage: Located on the Magnetic sphere. Easiest way to obtain it would be to use the Kinetic Orb Cannon located near the two smaller Spider Ball Tracks and simply move down the sphere.
  • Super Missile: Can be located within any of the three upper alcoves.
  • Two Randomizers: One behind a wall of Spider Ball tracks, one atop the large Magnetic Sphere.
  • Two Kinetic Orb Cannons: Across from each other. One in the far outer center within a small darkened room, one underneath a catwalk surrounded by Spider Ball Tracks.


  • One of the spawn points for players is in front of the launch zone of a Kinetic Orb Cannon. This easily sets up opponents for quick kills the moment they spawn.

