
Hunter Metroids are adolescent Tallon Metroids, first appearing in Metroid Prime in the Phendrana Drifts area of Tallon IV (NTSC/Wii versions only), and later appearing in the depths of the Phazon Mines and the Impact Crater, where Metroid Prime can freely spawn them in pools of pure Phazon. They have become more efficient at energy draining than younger Tallon Metroids, having developed an energy-siphoning tentacle that enables them to attack from a distance, increasing their threat level. This new tentacle also prevents Samus's Bombs from affecting them. The disadvantage to this tentacle is that Samus can still attack the Hunter Metroid while it's draining her energy. As with most forms of Metroid, the Ice Beam is very effective against Hunter Metroids.

Hunter Metroids are possibly the result of Metroids going through their life-cycle on the planet Tallon IV; rather than advancing to an Alpha Metroid, they mutate into a Hunter Metroid. Another possible factor is that exposure to the planet's Phazon contributed to this change in the creatures' life-cycle. A combination of both factors might also be the cause.

Logbook entry

Template:Infobox Logbook

Official website

File:Hunter Metroid.PNG

Official website images

"As Metroids develop, they become more efficient predators. Hunter Metroids use their energy-draining tentacles to attack their prey from a greater distance than normal Metroids. Quick to anger, a Hunter Metroid will charge troublesome prey and attempt to ram them into submission. Hunter Metroids are averse to cold temperatures.

Hunter Metroid

Samus faces a Hunter Metroid in the Phazon Mines.

An adolescent energy-based life form with a translucent upper body. Claw-like spikes and an energy-draining tentacle protrude from the lower half of the creature, which it uses to latch onto its prey."

Real-world design


  • A Hunter Metroid can be seen on a computer in the Pipeline multiplayer stage of Metroid Prime 2: Echoes and Metroid Prime Trilogy.
  • Interestingly, Hunter Metroids are referred to as adolescents, which would imply that there is a stage after them. Whatever this next stage is, Samus did not encounter it on Tallon IV.
  • The Frost Cave features a Hunter Metroid only in the NTSC and all Wii versions of Prime; the reason for this is unknown.
  • A possible explanation that they are called 'Hunter Metroids' is because the Space Pirates planned to use them against Samus, who they called 'The Hunter'.