
Ithrak is a lethal species found in Metroid Prime Hunters.

The Ithrak comes in two forms, Greater and Lesser, indicating which is more powerful. Both types appear on the Celestial Archives. The Greater Ithrak is vulnerable from the rear end while the Lesser is much weaker. The Ithrak species is nocturnal with a preference of living in darker environments.

Scrapped variant[]

Beta Ithrak

Click to see animation

A more sickly-colored variant of the Ithrak was cut from the game for unknown reasons. It exists in animations by Lee Phemister.


  • The Ithraks' two-legged, arm-less designs and rush-down behavior are very akin to other creatures in the Metroid series: the Moto, the two Sheegoth types, the three Grenchler variants, Gigafraugs and the Dragotix.
  • They also vaguely resemble Bullsquids and Paramites from the Half-Life and Oddworld respectively, due to their mouth parts and bipedal form.