
Welcome to Wikitroid!

We are creating the ultimate Metroid reference, and you can help!

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the Metroid series's 25th anniversary!


Wikitroid is a community that aims to create the best resource for Metroid, a series of video games produced by Nintendo.

We are currently editing 6,994 articles and growing.

While we have grown bigger and better over the past few years, we are still in need of help! See below for suggestions on what you can do to help us grow bigger.

All pages can be edited and you are welcome to join us and contribute to this wiki. Everyone is free to create a new page or edit an existing one.

Warning: This wiki contains spoilers. Read at your own risk.

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Metroid: Other M advert

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Did You Know...

  • ...that MB was nicknamed Melissa Bergman and given a hairclip to make her feel more human?
  • ...that Samus' appearance in the Super Metroid comic was a mixture of Ellen Ripley and Leia Organa?

Featured article

Yes, this article exists. isn’t it truly the article of all time?

Wikitroid:Featured articles

Helping out

  • If you are new to wikis, you may want to read the tutorial on the Central Wikia.
  • A list of all help pages can be found in Category:Help.
  • If you want to help but you're not sure where to start, try improving the various stub articles by expanding them.
  • We still have many subjects with no known official names. Try searching for one in official media.
  • Another helpful activity would be to check the list of wanted pages for frequently linked-to articles that don't exist yet.
  • See Project:Community Portal for more!
